All of us at the Straits Pond Watershed Association will miss Merle. She and Ed were founding members and their long commitment to improving environmental conditions on the Pond helped define our Association and its mission. She was generous with her time in service to the Association and spent many a cold Spring morning directing volunteers at our annual Earth Day Cleanup around the Pond and joining the post cleanup picnic. You can view Merle’s obituary here.

Donations to SPWA in memory of Merle can be in cash or in kind. Our Spring cleanup around the Pond and greater Weir River Estuary is always an adventure. One that improves our suburban salt pond and tidal marsh but also bonds us in a common purpose as inhabitants of the watershed. Merle showed up for every one of these and put on a well loved post cleanup picnic. What better way to remember Merle than battling early Spring on Straits Pond and palling around with muddy scavangers?
If you can’t make it, donations can be made by using the donate button below or by a check made out to Straits Pond Watershed Association and sent to:
Tom Bell
63 Howe Rd
Cohasset MA 02025